Speaking Out Case studies
Welcome to the Médecins Sans Frontières Speaking Out Case Studies website where you will find a series of studies that openly examine and analyse the organisation’s actions and decision-making process during crisis that have led it to speak out.
From denouncing the forced relocation in Ethiopia in 1985 to the inaction of the international community during the genocide of Rwandan Tutsis in 1994 and the Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech that demanded an end to indiscriminate bombings of civilians in Chechnya and much more.
In these studies, key information sources – MSF volunteers’ written and oral recollections – are reconstructed by highlighting archive documents, press articles and videos from the period concerned and interviewing the main actors involved.
These case studies were originally designed as an educational tool for and only available to associative members of the organisation. With the hope of broadening their educational scope the studies are now being made available in French and English to the public for free on this website.