Patients have been killed in their beds; health workers have been attacked as they rescued the wounded. A hospital is where the most vulnerable, the sick and injured, gather in times of war. Attacks against medical facilities and health workers, whether deliberate or indiscriminate, are part of generalised violence and atrocities committed against civilians in armed conflict. They deprive people of health services, often when they need them the most.

Gaza: MSF condemns deadly attack on convoy transporting staff and family members

Cité Soleil clashes severely affect people’s access to medical care

Patients and medical staff in Gaza trapped in hospitals under fire - attacks must stop now

Israeli forces must stop attacks on medical care in Jenin

Hospitals are overwhelmed in ‘catastrophic situation’ in Gaza

Hospital in Kherson shelled twice in 72 hours

MSF facilities looted, medical activities impeded by violence in Sudan

Five things to know about the violence in El Geneina, Sudan

MSF-supported hospital looted in West Darfur amidst conflict
Research & Analysis

The Continued Struggle to Access Medical Care in Afghanistan

MSF President to UN Security Council: “Stop these attacks”

Kunduz, Afghanistan, 36°43’4.91’’N, 68°51’43.96’’
Saving Lives and Staying Alive
Attacks on medical missions: overview of a polymorphous reality: the case of Médecins Sans Frontières

MSF releases detailed documentation of attacks on two medical facilities ahead of UNSC closed session on protection of medical mission

MSF urges Syrian government and its allies to stop indiscriminate bombing in Aleppo