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214 Results For "hepatitis"
Mozambique: The challenge of a safe pregnancy and childbirth in Cabo Delgado
Access to Healthcare

Universal Health Coverage targets leave behind the most vulnerable

Ahead of the UN High Level meeting on Universal Health Coverage on 21 September, we examine why access to healthcare continues to be challenging for people in vulnerable circumstances. Interview - 13 Sep 2023
Anam, 17-years-old DR-TB patient

Johnson & Johnson and Cepheid must pledge access to lifesaving TB medicines and tests

Ahead of the global tuberculosis High-Level Meeting at the United Nations, Johnson & Johnson and Cepheid must pledge access to lifesaving TB medicines and tests for everyone in need. Press Release - 12 Sep 2023
Camp life: conditions and safety
Rohingya refugee crisis

Funding for Rohingya must increase as medical needs surge in camps

As the health situation for Rohingya in Cox's Bazar continues to deteriorate, international aid organisations must step up funding to improve access to healthcare. Project Update - 23 Aug 2023
Mobile clinic in the South Omo zone

Urgent action needed to tackle cholera across Horn of Africa

Despite being preventable, deaths from cholera are on the rise across the Horn of Africa, amid the longest outbreaks ever recorded in the region. Voices from the Field - 13 Jul 2023
WASH Assessment Idlib Camps

Inadequate water and sanitation pose health threats in Syria

Displaced people in northwest Syria face the health consequences of 12 years of war and the recent earthquakes. Our teams are responding to people's needs by distributing water and hygiene kits and building latrines. Project Update - 16 Jun 2023
Dadaab - Refugees from Somalia
Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

Looming health catastrophe in Kenya’s Dadaab refugee camps

As a cholera outbreak spreads in Kenya’s Dadaab refugee camps, we call on the international community and aid agencies to respond urgently to the unfolding crisis and prevent the further spread of disease. Press Release - 30 May 2023
Hepatitis E vaccine
South Sudan

South Sudan implements world-first outbreak response vaccination campaign for hepatitis E

MSF and the South Sudan Ministry of Health have used a hepatitis E vaccine for the first time ever in the world in response to an outbreak of the disease, which is particularly fatal for pregnant women. Press Release - 21 Jul 2022
Four Years On: dehumanisation of Rohingya people continues

Ten years in dire conditions perpetuates severe mental health problems for Rohingya

10 years after being forced to flee violence, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya are still living in horrendous conditions with serious mental health conditions. Project Update - 14 Jul 2022
Ukrainian refugees in Palanca
War in Ukraine

Thousands of people flee bombings in south Ukraine and head west

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have arrived in Moldova, heading west, after fleeing bombs and violence in Mykolayiv, Ukraine. Project Update - 12 Mar 2022
Patients in Vodiane

Volunteers help fellow villagers access healthcare in conflict-affected eastern Ukraine

Volunteers are working with MSF in conflict-affected eastern Ukraine to help the elderly and vulnerable in the region access much-needed healthcare. Project Update - 3 Dec 2021
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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