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Gallery: Chhattisgarh, India: Walking that extra mile

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The long standing conflict in Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Telangana has jeopardised healthcare in these areas. MSF started working in Chhattisgarh in 2006. MSF began by addressing the medical needs of the displaced population and is currently one of the only healthcare providers, especially in very remote areas of these states.

In Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh, MSF operates a small hospital that offers specialised care for mothers and children. Medical staff also give advice on family planning, care for newborns and babies with low weight at birth. MSF supports the Ministry of Health (MoH) district hospital in providing emergency obstetrics care and lab facilities.

However, fear and insecurity make it difficult for the population of these remote areas to seek medical care. MSF has therefore introduced mobile clinics to provide free primary healthcare services including diagnostic tests, vaccination, malaria treatment, antenatal and postnatal consultations and health education.

A small team of doctors, translators, drug dispensers, nurses, assistants and other support staff travel long distances – sometimes for as long as an hour and a half on foot –  carrying medical equipment including malaria kits, medication, mosquito nets, lab tests, and scales to cater to the medical needs of the population living in these areas.