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750 Results For "respiratory"

Living in the middle of a rubbish dump

A case study of El Limonal, a community destroyed by Hurricane Mitch and now existing in a rubbish dump. The site is described as inappropriate for human habitation yet there are efforts to make the site permanent. Project Update - 27 Oct 2000
Haemorrhagic fevers

Ebola information - 2000

Ebola disease was first recognised in 1976 in the western equatorial province of the Sudan and 500 miles away in Zaire. Project Update - 16 Oct 2000

IDP situation deteriorates in Herat

Winter is coming and displaced populations are living in the over-crowded, ill-equipped Shayadee-camp camp where conditions are horrendous. Still more are outside the camp. MSF has taken responsibility to co-ordinate the assistance in the camp. Project Update - 16 Oct 2000
Water and sanitation

A 'World Water Vision' requires action today

The 22nd of March has joined a long list of dates to mark on your activists calendar. Following the World Water Forum in The Hague, the United Nations has launched the first annual 'World Water Day'. Will this be yet another slogan to motivate the public that results in very little action and change. Project Update - 23 Mar 2000
Water and sanitation

Action Today for the people around the Aral Sea

In less than 25 years, central Asia's Aral Sea, once the fourth largest inland body of water in the world, has dried up to 50% of its original surface area. The two rivers that feed the sea have largely been diverted since the 1950s to irrigate Soviet cotton fields. Project Update - 17 Mar 2000

Possibility of ground transport will aid food and water distribution

There were intermittent heavy rains throughout the night of March 7 but most of the rainfall has been either absorbed by the ground or gone in the African heat. Project Update - 9 Mar 2000

East Timorese in West Timor

Estimations are of between 180,000 and 270,000 displaced East Timorese currently in West Timor. Security problems within the country as well as bureaucratic restrictions have limited access. The Indonesian Government has provided sole supplies and health care personnel. MSF is primarily involved in providing water and sanitation (watsan) assistance and stands ready to provide emergency and public health assistance. Project Update - 21 Oct 1999

MSF vaccination plan starts on Tuesday

MSF ex-pat staff in Dili has climbed to 16. Another 16 are based in Baucau, bringing ex-pat contingent to 32 throughout the country. Project Update - 17 Oct 1999

MSF primary care in Baucau moves to the civilian hospital

MSF staffing in the region stands at 13 in Dili and another 15 in Baucau. Darwin, Australia maintains itself with three staff members coordinating MSF activities. Project Update - 10 Oct 1999

Increased district visits from MSF in Baucau

Security in Baucau and the surounding area has improved substantially in recent days, according to the U.N., and it is now considered safe to move without an escort in the city as well as on the road between Baucau and Dili and from Baucau to Virenque. Project Update - 8 Oct 1999
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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