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745 Results For "respiratory"
Covid-19 Response in Liberia
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 in West Africa: “Let’s prepare for a long-distance run”

MSF West Africa's Dr Chibuzo Okonta calls on practitioners from the African continent to own the narrative of the current coronavirus pandemic and take advantage of Africa’s experience of outbreaks. Op-Ed - 15 May 2020
Medical Evacuation to Bentiu PoC
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

People in protection of civilians camps in South Sudan found to have COVID-19

In a worrying sign, people in two overcrowded protection of civilians camps in South Sudan - in Juba and Bentiu - have been found to be positive for COVID-19, sparking fears of an outbreak. Project Update - 13 May 2020
COVID-19: challenges in Bangladesh and the Rohingya refugee camps
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Five challenges for the Rohingya in Bangladesh amid COVID-19

Bangladesh, one of the world's most densely-populated countries, also houses nearly one million Rohingya refugees in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions - as COVID-19 spreads. These are the five key challenges to overcome. Project Update - 6 May 2020
North Kivu: COVID-19 Health Promotion Training
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Managing people’s fear and misinformation amid COVID-19 in DRC

As COVID-19 spreads in DRC, MSF teams are having to manage people's fear and suspicions as part of our COVID response through health promotion and community engagement activities. Voices from the Field - 6 May 2020
MSF Measles Intervention Baboua: Twins Elisabeth and Sophie

Measles is a steady, silent killer among COVID-19

While much of the world’s attention is on battling the COVID-19 pandemic, measles continues to silently kill large numbers of mostly children in DRC, CAR and Chad. Project Update - 5 May 2020
Intervention in Marche region
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

A race against the pandemic – MSF COVID-19 crisis update

MSF teams are racing to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in the more than 70 countries in which we run programmes, while opening projects in new countries as they become pandemic hotspots. Crisis Update - 23 Apr 2020
Consultation rooms in advanced health post
Burkina Faso

COVID-19 will worsen access to healthcare in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is experiencing a fast-growing humanitarian crisis with high numbers of people with COVID-19; access to healthcare in this insecure area has now become even more difficult. Project Update - 21 Apr 2020
Migrants and Refugees in Mexico shelters
Central American migration

MSF calls for release of migrants after deadly fire in Tenosique detention centre

MSF calls for the release of migrants in detention centres and their access to medical care and protection, after a fire in Tenosique, Mexico. Press Release - 3 Apr 2020
Borno State – Gwoza

Other diseases will not relent in Borno state during COVID-19 pandemic

After more than a decade of armed conflict, malnutrition, malaria, measles and cholera, over a million displaced people in Borno now face COVID-19. Project Update - 3 Apr 2020
COVID-19 Prevention in Northwest Syria
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Northwest Syria: “COVID-19 adds another layer of complexity to an already catastrophic situation”

The spread of COVID-19 in northwest Syria will be catastrophic without immediate international mobilisation, says MSF's field coordinator there. Voices from the Field - 2 Apr 2020
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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