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234 Results For "pneumonia"
South Sudan

Medical care in South Sudan's Batil camp

Dr Deirdre Lynch is an Irish General Practitioner currently working with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Batil camp, South Sudan where 38,000 people have sought refuge from fighting and violence in neigbouring Sudan. Voices from the Field - 20 Jun 2013
South Sudan

120,000 people in Pibor county cut off from aid

Thousands at-risk of death as rainy and malaria season approaches Press Release - 14 Jun 2013
South Sudan

MSF hospital targeted and purposefully damaged to render it inoperative

MSF strongly condemns the destruction at its hospital in Pibor town, South Sudan, purposefully conducted to render the hospital inoperative. Press Release - 17 May 2013
Democratic Republic of Congo

Thousands have fled as violence continues in Kitchanga

Project Update - 7 Mar 2013

Alarming malnutrition and mortality among malian refugees

Voices from the Field - 9 Jan 2013
Pibor, South Soudan
South Sudan

Saving lives at the clinic under the tree

David Bude is an Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) clinician who was working in MSF’s health clinic in the remote village of Lekwongole, near Pibor town, in South Sudan’s violence-afflicted Jonglei State. When fighting erupted in Lekwongole in August 2012, he fled along with the rest of the population. While in hiding, deep in the bush, David used his medical skills to save lives in exceptionally difficult circumstances. Voices from the Field - 13 Dec 2012
Lankien, Jonglei State and Nasir, Upper Nile State, South Sudan,
South Sudan

Violence a 'hidden crisis' in Jonglei

A report released today by MSF highlights the devastating impact of violence on the lives and health of civilians in South Sudan’s Jonglei state. Women and children as young as four months old are among the victims. Healthcare is threatened as medical facilities are targeted and destroyed. Press Release - 27 Nov 2012

'We will set up as many tents as needed to treat children in need'

MSF is working in Madaoua, a small town in the centre of Niger, to prevent and treat child malnutrition. MSF supports several health centres in the district where outpatient treatment to children suffering from severe acute malnutrition is offered and works in the Madaoua hospital where malnourished children suffering from complications are admitted. Pascual Caballero, an MSF paediatrician working in Madaoua, talks about this experience. Voices from the Field - 13 Aug 2012
South Sudan

Deteriorating health situation for refugees in Yida camp

Close to 500 people are arriving at the refugee camp in Yida every day. UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, reports that 63,500 people are living in a camp that was originally intended for 15,000 people. The refugees are arriving in extremely poor health, having walked for days, and sometimes weeks, across the Nuba mountains, to escape conflict and food insecurity. Press Release - 13 Jul 2012
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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